by Joel Slayton
C5=[disruption/information analysis (strategy 2E)] if…(coordinated entanglement) mesh, M++;
Simulation – heuristics – complexity – identity – ubiquity
Advances resulting from intra-theoretic reductionism have resulted in the exploration of unique models in which cascading and parallel considerations of hyper-structuralism and contextuality are significant. Indeterminate information systems (brains and computers) are impetus for research and exemplification of fundamental principles which can be used for tactical surveillance and strategic analysis involving new forms of knowledge representation. The complex phenomena of self-organization, diffusion, cues, presence, richness, ambiguity, uncertainty, complexity, evolution, inferencing and entanglement are common themes for experimentation at C5.
C5 is the corporation of acculturation. The sciences of the artificial are stimuli redefining the nature of group formations and operations management resident in technology enterprise. Systems analysis and information mapping are the contemporary substance of data perception, of which the artifact is interface. C5 solutions are informed by collaborative expertise including implementations of artificial intelligence, bio-engineering, public relations, liquid computing, emergent behavioral systems, bio-metrics, virtuality, cognitive psychology, semiotics, anthropology, literary criticism, military studies, library science and art. Theory is product.
Prospective candidates are nominated to join C5. Each candidate defines the terms of their employment based on individual interest, expertise, contribution and research. Employee identity is multi-faceted, self-defined and non-heirarchical. Employees perform across the corporation as collaborators. Activities are ones that self organize across C5 subsidiaries. The corporation as a social organization provides a structured environment for intensely immersive endeavors to occur across areas of expertise.
C5 is a profit sharing company. Revenues from sponsored research, patents, copyrights and intellectual property are allocated by contractual agreement. Interested individuals should electronically submit a letter of inquiry and supporting documentation to Joel Slayton at C5@cadre.sjsu.edu
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